Our remote fleet monitoring solution uses a combination of on-machine hardware and programmable software, to collect and analyse data from each machine, delivering a full picture of a fleets performance. By reporting on fuel consumption, stop/start patterns, idle and operational time, it builds up a unique history of each machine.
When combined with programmable live diagnostic alerts, this history can be interrogated by our technicians, allowing us to identify potential mechanical faults.
This evidence based approach, allows components to be maintained or replaced based on condition, rather than periodically, increasing uptime, whilst reducing costs. It also spotlights excessive component wear, highlighting areas where operator performance or site conditions can be improved, to increase equipment utilisation.
For those using our Advanced Maintenance solution, that is included with a Customer Support Agreement (CSA), additional services, including proactive maintenance and jobsite advice are available. For advanced fleet management optimisation we also offer planning and implementation support based on both jobsite conditions and operational goals.