You’d never know that there was another side to the fun and frivolity of Finning’s senior manager, credit solutions, Al Madge’s technicolour tutu and the red shoes he dons for Walk a Mile in Her Shoes. That’s because he doesn’t often talk about why he rallies the troops and challenges them to raise funds for the YWCA’s fundraising efforts to combat family violence. But he does have a reason for strutting his stuff in a pair of stilettos. “I came from a violent home,” says Al. “My father abused my mom and my six siblings. I was about six at the time. Back then, there was nowhere for us to go…we stayed with a friend of the family. We did eventually go back, but only after my father promised he wouldn’t do it again and he never did, so I guess that’s a testament to him. My mom passed away in 2009 so I walk in her memory.”
But his mom’s memory is not the only reason Al slips on those red heels each year. “I have two daughters who are grown and in relationships now, and if they ever got into a situation like that and didn’t know who to turn to, I know they would have somewhere to go get help,” says Al.
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