Alix Barson- Third Year Construction Apprentice
What made you choose to pursue a career in engineering?
I wanted to experience something new, push myself and try to achieve the best I can in engineering. I have an interest in cars, but this career offers a lot more, machine, variety, learning wise and opportunity wise.
Why did you choose to apply to complete the Finning Apprenticeship?
Hearing about this company and looking into it, it became apparent that Finning give back to their employees, what they put into their work. They care and look after you. I wanted something completely new to excel myself through. Advanced, small, big machines seemed really cool to me to do so.
What are you enjoying the most about your apprenticeship?
Learning. There is always something new to learn and do. I like how any question I ask, wouldn’t be a stupid one. There are always explanations and experienced engineers teaching me everything I need to know. I like the trust they put into you. It’s a nice place to work.
What are you finding the most challenging about your apprenticeship?
There is a lot of information to take in, you’ll be so eager to just want to know everything but obviously it will take time, patience and a lot of practice.
What do you hope to do once you have completed your apprenticeship programme?
Travel the world with this company or at least experience life as an engineer out of Europe. See a completely different side to the career.
What advice would you give to anyone considering applying for an apprenticeship programme at Finning?
Push yourself, don’t be scared to ask questions even if you think it sounds stupid. There are so many people that will support you and make sure you become the best you can. Don’t try to take absolutely everything you hear, in at once. Take notes and just keep practicing.
As a female apprentice, how would you encourage more females to apply for an engineering apprenticeship programme?
Even though the majority are men, nobody treats you any different for being female. You get a lot of support and encouragement. Prove yourself, make it known that you’re eager. They open your eye to a lot within the job; problem solving, how to overcome issues. I’ve learnt a lot.
On reflection, what did you think of the recruitment process before you started your apprenticeship?
It’s helpful and gives you an insight to more within the company that you may not of knew existed. I became confident and everything was well planned. The company really does look after apprentices.
On reflection, what was your experience of the apprenticeship Induction?
Anything and everything I needed to know was included. Every question answered in detail. It was a first for me being with other apprentices I didn’t know, away from home and a career I was eager to get to see. It helped me with people skills, organisation, confidence within myself. It was a first and I enjoyed it.
What would you say about the support you are given as an apprentice?
Amazing, everyone wants the best for you and for you to become the best. Just be consistent. It’s nice to have faith and trust put into you, with something new. You know the difference when it’s a job or career. You want to wake up and go to work, you want to learn and improve. The support I’ve had has made me believe in myself.