Contact Information
The Schemes are adminstered by AON, If you have any questions or would like to get in touch, please contact:
By Email:
By Telephone: 0330 678 0407
By Mail: Finning Pensions, AON, PO Box 196, Huddersfield, HD8 1EG
Data Protection Notice
Please click below to download a copy of our Data Protection Notice
Pension Privacy Policy (PDF: 214KB)
Statement Of Investment Principles
Please click on the following links to download copies of the Statement Of Investment Principles (SIP) for the;
Finning Pension Scheme (DB Section) (PDF: 109KB)
Implementation Statements
Please click on the following links to download copies of the Implementation Statements for the;
Finning Pension Scheme (DB Section) (PDF: 156KB)
Insuring members’ benefits
We have recently bought an insurance policy with Standard Life, to fund members’ benefits from the Scheme, this is known as a buy-in.
You can find Standard Life’s privacy notice here:
Their reinsurance partner is Prudential Financial, Inc. you can find their privacy notice here: